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105 Grand Street, Brooklyn NY


Frequently asked questions

If the FAQ does not cover a topic you have a concern on, feel free to send a message.

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Do you accept insurance?

Yes, we are in network with Blue Cross Blue Shield, and Aetna.
Fill out the form and we will check your coverage. We accept all other insurance with out of network benefits. Please keep in mind, all policies are different, and some may limit both your number of visits and type of conditions covered. Until coverage has been verified and annual deductible has been met, patients are responsible for full cost of treatment at the time of appointment.

FSA and HSA accounts can also be used to pay for treatments.

What is Acupuncture and how does it work?

Acupuncture is a form of Chinese medicine dating back over 2500 years, which uses the insertion of thin needles to amplify the body’s own healing resources.

Acupuncture creates an inflammatory response that stimulates local circulation. It also produces a signal that travels along the spinal cord to the brain, triggering a release of neurotransmitters (chemical messengers), which attenuate pain. When we injure ourselves – whether physically or emotionally, traces of that injury persist. These traces can be in the form of knotted muscles, anxiety, insomnia, stiff joints, or any other forms of chronic injury. By using acupuncture and other techniques, we are able to improve circulation, range of motion and free up these blockages. The ultimate goal is to get the body as balanced as it can be.

Is Acupuncture Safe?

Acupuncture is a very safe modality under the application of a licensed professional. New York State has strict requirements for someone to obtain a license. This blog post goes into more detail.

  • at least 200 classroom instructional hours in the biosciences including anatomy, physiology and pathology
  • at least 600 classroom instructional hours in acupuncture including acupuncture principles; acupuncture channel and point theory; acupuncture physiology; acupuncture pathology; acupuncture clinical examination and diagnosis; acupuncture techniques; acupuncture treatment principles; and sterilization and precautions;
  • at least 650 hours of supervised clinical acupuncture experience in general health problems to include acupuncture diagnosis; therapeutic treatment planning; acupuncture needling technique; moxibustion; electroacupuncture; pre- and post-treatment instruction; contraindications and precautions; treatment of emergencies; when to refer to appropriate health professionals; and acupuncture hygiene.

What kind of conditions does acupuncture treat?

  • Knee pain
  • Low back pain
  • Hypertension
  • Neck pain
  • Sciatica
  • Sprain & Strains
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Depression
  • Dysmenorrhoea, primary
  • Facial pain (including craniomandibular disorders)
  • Headache
  • Morning sickness
  • Postoperative pain
  • Rheumatoid arthritis
  • Stroke
  • Tennis elbow

Does Acupuncture Hurt?

Some people have a different reaction to needling, but in general the sensation can range from a slight pinch to a dull ache. Some factors that influence the sensation are the tightness of the muscle, density of underlying tissue, scars, and hydration. When a needle is inserted, a slight pinching will be felt. When the needles are placed in more sensitive areas a dull achy sensation can be felt. However once the session is underway, many patients feel very relaxed and even fall asleep.

Are There Other Forms Of Treatment Besides Needle Insertion?

Yes. Your practitioner may use their hands to put pressure on particular acupuncture points. They may also use a variety of mechanical devices to stimulate affected areas, such as cupping, as well as moxibustion — warming the desired area by burning herbs.

How Long is a Treatment?

Treatments are generally between 30 minutes and an hour. Your initial treatment will begin with a thorough intake of your current condition and medical history.

How Many Sessions Do I Need?

In general, acute conditions require less treatment than chronic conditions. At the time of the initial examination, your we will evaluate your condition and assess the approximate number of treatments needed. Because each patient’s health problems and response to treatment are unique, the number and frequency of treatments vary. Although some patients respond favorably after only one or two treatments, others may require two or more treatments per week for four to six weeks for maximum results.

How Should I Prepare For My Session?

Try to avoid being on a completely empty stomach, maybe have a light meal or snack earlier in the day. Wear or bring loose clothing to allow access to acupuncture points.
Men: Loose fitting gym shorts.
Women: Loose fitting gym shorts, and a tank top or sports bra.

Does acupuncture have side effects

Generally, no; acupuncture does not have any side effect. It’s not common, but possible some people may experience a dull ache or slight bruising around the area of needling, which can last for a few days. This can be alleviated with massage and using topical analgesics such are arnica gel or Po Sum On oil. Treating muscles that have been chronically tight and short can have soreness afterwards. Think of it like going to the gym after a long layoff of not exercising — you come home sore, but after resting and going consistently, you get stronger and are able to do more. The common effects are feeling more relaxed, improved digestion and less muscle tension.