How are acupuncture, antihistamines and COVID related? The first 2 help fight the third, more specifically, long COVID or “also known as post-acute sequelae SARS-CoV-2 infection (PASC)”. With an estimated 54 million people globally suffering from PASC, to not consider all possible means to address their conditions would be negligent.
I had one patient with PASC that I treated with acupuncture who had great results. This is directly from his review:
“Came to Damian after experiencing some post COVID issues. Had seen doctors and neurologists but they weren’t able to help at all. After my first session with Damian I saw instant improvement and it continued to get better after each session. Honestly don’t know where I’d be without Damian’s help, he really cared about my issues, and would send me research and recommendations outside of our sessions that I am forever grateful for. Can’t recommend him enough!”
Thought it’s only anecdotal, there is additional evidence to substantiate the efficacy of acupuncture for treating PASC, as noted by Christine Kaiser, a licensed acupuncturist, and the clinical manager for acupuncture and quality UH Connor Whole Health.
A lot of my COVID long haul patients are coming in, saying they feel shortness of breath, but also fatigue, body aches, headaches, insomnia, anxiety, these are things that we often treat with acupuncture. And luckily, as we’ve been applying acupuncture to the long haul cases we’ve been seeing a good response from patients
To be clear, I’m not recommending people start casually popping antihistamines; if I’m “following the science”, as the popular phrase goes, I’m simply acknowledging that this particular pharmaceutical may be beneficial to people with PASC. I recommend you consult your doctor first.
With that being said, this small study published by students at University of California–Irvine (UCI) is promising.
Thirteen months after contracting COVID-19, Patient Two began taking the antihistamine fexofenadine.
“The following morning, she noted resolution of brain fog and fatigue,” the report reads. “She therefore continued the diphenhydramine daily, whereupon she noted marked improvement in brain fog, fatigue, and abdominal pain, and abatement of anosmia and dysgeusia.”